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Insulting a Believer Expels One From Wilāyat

Insulting a Believer Expels One From Wilāyat

Hazrat Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said:

“If a person slanders a believer to expose his faults to the public, or to insult him, Allah expels him from His Wilāyat and leaves him to the Wilāyat of Satan.”


 “Like the Satan when he says to man: Disbelieve, but when he disbelieves, he says: I am surely clear of you; surely I fear Allah, the Lord of the worlds.”

(Surah al-Hashr 59:16)


[3] ‘Disobedience’ as mentioned by the infallible Imam (a.s.) is not to be equated with disobedience as we understand. For details refer to the introduction to Psalms of Islam translated by William Chittick


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